We specialise in Osteopathy &
Applied Functional Science

When it comes to pain, one fact is obvious – pain relief must be personalised.

Sadly, for most people, getting out of pain is a “best guess” type of process. They try “one size fits all” pain relief solutions – from popping pills to over the counter medications and potions, to generic exercise recommendations.

Unfortunately, these approaches are imprecise – not acknowledging your unique requirements.

The truth is that amongst athletes of all types and ages– from ultra-elite to “keyboard athletes” – injuries seem commonplace. A day does not go by that you don’t see or hear someone complaining about aches, pain, or some sort of injury. This usually ends with, “I guess I’m just getting old…”

You may have even experienced this yourself, becoming frustrated and angry because you’ve missed moments, but pain slammed on the brakes – affecting the way you feel about you in your sport, your career, and your life.

We define functional training as preparation for purposeful movement. Functional training techniques are developed from their design, rather than the exercises or equipment themselves. I treat your body the way it was intended to move – we work together to create strategies to improve movement patterns, not just individual muscles.

What we offer

Osteopathic ManipulationNeurological TestingGait AnalysisFunctional EvaluationMaintenance CareFunctional ReactionWestern AcupunctureMyofascial ReleaseSpecialized Sports TapingExercise Prescription


Brighton FCUFCEngland NetballSussex CricketGB TeamEngland RugbySussex ThunderGB Paralympics


"I have been to see Troy many times over the last couple of years, whenever I have had any problems as a result of my tough regime, getting ready for big fights. His knowledge is amazing and he has not only helped me solve the problems very quick, but also identified the things I can do to prevent problems reoccurring! I am blessed to have access to this level of care,"

Oli Thompson / BSM Winner